One thing that I have noticed over the years, with much credit due to my mom, is how much people use the word awesome for everyday things and then turn around and use it to describe God. For most people I'm sure it's just habit and that's what you are used to saying, but I don't really think that is an okay excuse. First of all, do you know what awesome really means? According to webster is means awe inspiring, or I've also heard it mean awe inspiring in the sense of fear or reverence. So does that new car, or really cool video game, or really great Super Bowl game really inspire awe inside of you, even to the point of fear or reverence? If you are being honest I would have to think that it does not. With that being said, even if it is something extraordinary according to most things here on earth, is it really fair to the all powerful, all knowing, God that is in full control of everything and created everything to be compared to whatever earthly thing that He Himself created? DEFINITELY not. So when we say that whatever thing we see or experience here on earth, outside of God Himself, is awesome and then say that God is awesome, we are putting God on the same level as whatever that thing is. Now I don't say this to condemn anyone because I use it from time to time as well, but growing up with a mom that discouraged using the word awesome except for when talking about God, has really helped me to keep that word holy and set apart for Him and Him alone. So, I do say all this to challenge and encourage everyone to think about what you are saying before you say it. Is whatever you are talking about truly as awesome as God? If not, then don't say it is. This might take some time to get used to and even look weird to everyone else, especially if you begin encouraging your friends to do the same, but it's worth it. Having a higher reverence for God's name is never a bad thing, at least not in His eyes, and honestly, His is the only opinion that matters.
Now on a topic dealing with how awesome God is, and dealing with the things He created, I have come to find that I love nature, particularly really beautiful views. To some, this may seem a little feminine since guys aren't supposed to say beautiful, but when I see something so beautiful, I can't help but think of the fact that God created that and how awesome He is. Seeing many different sights because of my travels, whether it be moving to different countries, going on hockey tournaments, traveling on vacations, or going on mission trips, has truly grown my love for that type of thing. I can vividly remember going up a ski lift in Calgary during a hockey tournament and looking out over all the snow covered mountains that poked through the clouds and thinking of how awesome God is and marveling at what He created. Another thing that I can't help sitting in awe of God is when I'm scuba diving at the bottom of the ocean floor and I look up and all around and see never ending ocean and all the animals that God created. Simply marveling at God's glory underwater is one of the reasons I love to scuba dive. Lastly, going on a mission trip to Nicaragua the summer after my junior year of high school was probably one of the coolest experiences I've had. Seeing the trees around us, the volcanoes in the distance, the thunder storms at night, and the sunrise and sunset (which the picture at the top of the page is from our trip there) are some of the coolest sights I've seen and brought me so much closer to God once I stopped and realized who created those things and that He did so to bring Himself glory. So the next time you see a beautiful sunset, mountains in the distance, or something that puts you in awe, think of who created that and give Him the glory.