Tuesday, July 5, 2011

seeking His face

This summer has been great. God has taught and showed me so many amazing things through my internship at Kingsland and through my friends. First of all, I quickly learned that this summer was going to be one of testing. I was going to be tested by being put in difficult situations at my internship that I knew I could not handle on my own which in turn brought me to where I'm sure God intended, which was desperately needing to trust in Him. One scenario after the next I was at a point of trusting God with everything I had. Throughout the summer I learned some other valuable lessons in ministry like how to use your time wisely and not overwork yourself and some things to do and not to do. But just last night I was told something that I won't soon forget. Many people seek, search, and desire to just see an angel at any point in their life. If they could just get a glimpse of that huge, holy, angelic figure standing guard over them as they are praying then they would be content. Now I don't believe this is necessarily Biblically sound so don't count this as fact, but what if angels knew that if we so desire to see and angel more than anything, that revealing themselves to us would in fact distract us from what we should be focusing on, Jesus Himself! We should be seeking the face of Jesus more than anything of this world or not of this world. Whenever you hear stories of people seeing angels watching over them and fighting for them, don't covet that experience, instead desire to see the face of Jesus Himself, the Son of the living God, who died for yours and my sins. Now I'm not belittling those who have seen angels, that was obviously for some reason that an angel made himself known to you so please don't take any offense. None the less, my friend who shared this opinion with me certainly had an impact on my life and made me rethink what I should be seeking everyday.